Live camera Jesenik, Czech Republic

A white bird with black wingtips, a long neck, a long thin red beak, and long reddish legs. When the stork's wings are folded, it gives the impression that the entire back of the stork's body is black.

The height of a white stork is 100-125 cm, and its wingspan is 155-200 cm. The weight of an adult bird reaches 4 kg. Females are smaller. Distribution. Occurs throughout Europe and Asia. Overwinter in India and tropical Africa. Stork populations in southern Africa are sedentary.

Young immature birds sometimes remain in Africa all summer. Storks make their wintering flight during the day. Storks avoid flying over the sea. White storks inhabit low meadows and wetlands and often nest near human habitation. The main food of these birds is small vertebrates and various invertebrate animals. The favorite food of storks living in Europe is frogs, toads, urchins and vipers, as well as large insects. They also feed on sick or dead fish, lizards, small mammals, and very rarely on small birds.

When searching for food, storks walk slowly and quietly, but when they see a prey, they quickly run up and grab it. The parents bring water for their chicks in their beak. The adult white stork gives a loud voice when meeting a pair, clicking its beak.

Clicking its beak, the stork tilts its head far back and retracts its tongue back, forming a well resonating mouthpiece to amplify the sound. This clicking in different manners has practically replaced vocal communication in the stork. White stork chicks squeak and scream in voices similar to the meow of kittens. The life expectancy of the white stork is an average of 20 years.


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