Live cameras: Sweden


Find out more about Sweden before you go there with the Insecam project. Touristic agency may be not quite confident with the places to see, or where to go.

The Insecam project allows you to observe Sweden through the internet. Many public cameras can show you an everyday life from the inside. You can find cafe, hotels, restaurants, streets, avenues, museums, malls and many other interesting places of Sweden. Axis and Linksys videocams that are installed in different corners of the country will help you in this case. These cameras can show you the fascinating architecture of buildings or beautiful nature.

The plateaus and small mountains prevail here. More than the half of Sweden is covered with great forests. Many reservations with birds, mammals and fish exist here. Sweden is an unique country. The most valuable things, that we appreciate today, present here: clean water, fresh air, tranquility, stability and untouched nature.

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