Live camera Norwich, United Kingdom

Norwich is the capital of Norfolk County, England. The population of the city is about 213 thousand people. 

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On the site of modern Norwich, the Celtic tribe of the Icens once lived. In ancient Roman times, it was the city of Venta Icenorum (translated as “place of Icenos”). In the 7th century, the Anglo-Saxons settled here. In the 10th century, Norwich became a thriving trading center, which printed its own coin. The Book of the Last Judgment, the first land census in England, conducted by William the Conqueror in 1086, recorded 10 thousand inhabitants and 25 churches in the city.

A castle was built in Norwich shortly after the Norman conquest. Norwich's main source of wealth in the Middle Ages was the production and trade of woolen fabrics. Norwich had stable trade relations with various cities in Europe - from Scandinavia to Spain. During the Tudor era, Norwich sheltered European Protestants - French Huguenots and Flemish Protestant weavers. They brought advanced textile technologies to the city. In 1701, the first newspaper outside London, the Norwich Post, was published in Norwich. In 1758, the Theater Royal was opened in Norwich.

In the 19th century, the center for the production of woolen fabrics moved to York, and Norwich experienced economic decline. In 1797, Thomas Bignold founded one of the first insurance companies in the country in Norwich to insure businesses and homeowners against fires. In the twentieth century, Norwich became the center of the brewing and footwear industry in the country. The economy of modern Norwich is based primarily on the service sector - these are financial services, banking and insurance. In Norwich, there is a factory for the production of mustard of the world famous brand Colman's. The plant was built in 1814 and is now owned by Unilever. 5% of the country's printing industry is located in Norwich. In 2012, Norwich was named UNESCO City of Literature.

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