Онлайн камера Гарат, Германия

Garath (German Garath) is one of the 50 administrative districts of Dusseldorf (North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany), located in the southern part of the city (in the north of the district 10).
Watch camera online in Garath. Storck nest
Position The location of the region is favorable. It is located on the intensive transport corridor Düsseldorf-Leverkusen-Cologne (through the center of Garat there is an A 59 motorway with an entry-exit ring, as well as the Düsseldorf-Cologne high-speed railway). The district does not take full advantage of the benefits of the situation, for example, there is no stop for fast trains, but there is only a stop platform for commuter trains running between Düsseldorf, Langenfeld and Cologne. The area is located somewhat away from the navigable Rhine, having access only to its old abandoned branch, the Old Rhine. Garat borders with other administrative districts of Dusseldorf: Benrath, Urdenbach, Hellerhof. In the northeast, Garat is bordered by the city of Hilden. In the west, part of Garat is occupied by the protected natural complex Urdenbacher Kämpe, and in the east, the hills of the Bergisches Land begin.