Онлайн камера Хьюстон, Соединенные Штаты Америки

Houston (Houston) is a city and port in the south of the United States (Texas), located near the coast of the Gulf of Mexico, connected to it by the Houston Shipping Canal. Watch camera online in Houston Population 2 million (2006). It is an oil and grain port, financial, industrial, trade and transportation center of the southern United States. The petrochemical and oil refining industries are well developed here; there is an international airport, the Center for Oceanographic Research, and the Lyndon Johnson NASA Manned Space Flight Center Houston is the fourth largest North American city, and it certainly can be quite attractive for tourists from Russia. All major international hotel chains are represented here, including most of the "luxury" brands such as Four Seasons, Ritz-Carlton, Hyatt, Hilton and others. Many of these hotels are located in historic buildings in the city center, which is very convenient for travelers.
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